Magnesium can be ingested via our foods eaten and nutritional choices, taken as a supplement, or absorbed transdermally via sprays, salt baths or application of creams containing magnesium. There is endless researched documentation detailing the benefit of magnesium supplemetation, especially in patients with pre diabetes or diabetes.
The necessity of magnesium to underpin our overall health and wellbeing is well documented; as a cofactor for enzyme reactions in the body and for ATP metabolism, it is needed for protein synthesis, reproduction, the regulation of muscular contraction, and blood pressure as well as insulin metabolism.
Deficiencies in magnesium status can contribute to multiple imbalances within the body and underly many disorders.
A lack of magnesium can contribute to anxiety, fatigue, low stress tolerance, sleep disorders and impaired athletic performance. Even migraines and depression or constipation symptoms!
In the muscles a lack of magnesium can cause cramps in the feet and calves and poor exercise recovery.
Food sources of Magnesium include:
- Kelp
- Chard
- Millet
- Almonds
- Avocados
- Whole grains
- Fatty fish
- Dark chocolate
Oral Supplements can be taken but the side effects of stomach pain, laxative effect or gastrointestinal discomfort cause some people to prefer a topical application of the mineral to boost wellbeing.
Magnesium citrate has a high bio availability as an oral supplement.
The skin is the largest body organ, making up 10% of an average persons body mass. It primarily acts as a barrier between an individual and the environment; A barrier against penetration of UV light, chemicals, allergens and microorganisms, in addition to the loss of moisture and body nutrients.
The absorptive capacity of healthy skin from exterior substances is limited. A substance must penetrate the epidermis or has to be absorbed by sweat glands or hair follicles.
It has been shown that daily baths in epsom salts do increase the levels of blood magnesium in the body.

Different magnesium products can be sprayed or applied directly to the clean skin after a shower. They can sometimes itch or sting on application, this is because the pH of the product is different from the skin pH. Gradually get your body used to the oil application. Once the oil has been absorbed it may leave behind a slight salty residue that causes the itching.

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