Family Constellations Services
Systemic Family Constellation therapy draws upon systems such as, Gestalt, Family Sculpting, Primal Therapy and Transactional analysis.
Systemic family constellations work was pioneered by Bert Hellinger who discovered that many individuals’ present day illnesses and issues, even habits and behaviours, can be directly connected or related to ancestral family patterns. Most of the patterns are unconscious and linked to ancestral events within the family that disturb the harmony of the family system even in the present day. Even today,at assessment all medical professionals will ask during history taking, did, or does, anyone else in your family have similar issues or illnesses?
Who may benefit from family constellation work?
We all can benefit! But, more especially those individuals who recognize that they struggle with, or have, habits or behaviours ingrained in their lives that aren’t helpful or life affirming, or even that don’t make sense, may find constellation work to be hugely beneficial to their health and wellbeing.

Please get in touch for further information
A member of our reception team will reply via email or call you back.